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  • Contact: 480-262-2324

How To Avoid 50 Shades Of Yellow

It just doesn’t have the same ring to it does it? While 50 Shades of Grey was a hands down best seller yellow isn’t exciting or enticing, its just dingy. No one sets out to have a lackluster smile, life just happens, one cup of coffee, one cigarette, one soda at a time. Everything we eat or drink can cause staining of our enamel. This makes teeth less bright and can even tint them brown or yellow.

A Quick History Of Teeth Whitening

While you might suspect that whitening your teeth would be a rather new idea the surprising fact is that people started whitening their teeth 4000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians who highly prized beauty created whitening pasts using ground pumice stone combined with vinegar made from wine grapes. White teeth were considered a symbol of […]